Although we are open to submissions from all over the world, we particularly welcome submissions that relate to any aspect of the literature of any of the regions within the Northeast (of India).

Critical writings/features dealing with particular writers or texts or genres may be submitted. Please query first. Send us your ideas so that we can advise about requirement/non-requirement, word limit and deadlines.

In creative writing, we are looking for poetry and prose (fiction/memoir/literary non-fiction) submissions. Submit up to four poems. Fiction and non-fiction pieces should not exceed 6000 words.

We will also devote considerable attention to translations of classic and contemporary literary pieces. The translators must however, have acquired the necessary permissions from the original copyright holder. A short translator’s note and adequate information about the original author are also required.

We also seek contributions from writers living in/hailing from outside the Northeast. We would be interested in looking at ‘mainlander’ and international views of Northeast literature.

Submit up to four poems in a single file. 

Fiction should be between 2000 - 10,000 words. Self-contained novel excerpts and novellas may be submitted. 

Your subject line should be : Attn Aruni/ Mention genre/ First Name [space] Last Name



Your subject line should be : Attn Sumana/ Mention genre/ First Name [space] Last Name



Your subject line should be : Attn Amit / Mention genre/ First Name [space] Last Name

The North East Review